Monday, November 29, 2010

Tugas T.I.K - Pink Gadget 5

It's thanksgiving in Canada today and soon in the US, so here are some pink gadgets that you must have for the celebration. So go and get your family and friends gathered for the festivities, and these cool gadgets will take care of entertainment and keeping the memories.

First must-have: a music player to keep your guests in the mood and ready for singing and dancing! The new pink Apple iPod Nano Multi-Touch should do the this work, with its touch screen and FM radio features. Of course you gotta have a cool set of portable speakers to keep the music loud and clear--the pink Mstation 2.1 Stereo Orb Speakers is the best choice! It's compatible with all iPods and has a subwoofer for that pulse pounding music perfect for your thanksgiving party. Don't forget the take pictures of you dinner and party using the pink Nikon Coolpix S4000. This digital camera is very lightweight so you can carry it around as you mingle with your guests, with all the right features at a very affordable price. Have a happy pink gadget thanksgiving day!

Tugas T.I.K - Pink Gadget 4

Say goodbye to boring manufacturer colors as gadgets everywhere are getting a huge makeover. With funky covers, sleeves, cases and skins, there are no excuses for having a plain Jane gadget.

Case in point - these Wii Skins by DecalGirl add some serious style to an otherwise basic white Wii. There are way too many great designs for me to count and for $15 there are no excuses for not primping your Wii.

To see some pics of my personal fave Wii skins including boomerang pink, hibiscus, purple dots and sorority

Tugas T.I.K - Pink Gadget 3

We're not exactly sure what the special event is -- Breast Cancer Awareness Month isn't until October -- but we suppose you can celebrate the joy of pink whenever the mood strikes. Iriver is busting out pink versions for a bunch of its players, including the clix, MPlayer, D5 and recently-launched E100. Apparently a set of pink colored pencils is also included as a free "gift" with the purchase of any of these units, which should come in handy for that Precious Moments diptych we were thinking of doing.

Tugas T.I.K - Pink Gadget 2

Here’s another pink gadget to write about. But this time it is interpreted in a rather quirky fashion. The camera itself has a hot and ‘flashy’ pink color and its named Diana F+ Mr Pink camera. So the camera assumes to be the ‘boy’ in every girl’s ‘picture-purrfect’ dream. Now laughs apart, the camera produces ‘ultra-dreamy’, soft-focus, vignetted medium format photographs. (I was not kidding after all!) The camera can be used with 35mm film and it clicks 12 & 16 shot format frames. The hot fluorescent pink camera is online exclusive and has its release set in Spring later this year.

Tugas T.I.K - Barbie Pink Gadget

This cool gadget is no other then the Barbie B2 Touchscreen MP3 player which includes a make-up mirror and in my opinion is a must have music gadget for the young ladies. It is designed to look exactly like a compact mirror that fits easily in any hand purse or fashion bag, making it easy to carry no matter where you go.

Any woman would love to add this new music player to her fashion accessories collection, for it is a practical MP3 player, make-up mirror and a Barbie product all in one. The Capacity of this gadget is 2GB so its enough to storage a lot of music you like, and it also features VR (voice recording) and a FM radio.

Tugas T.I.K - Motion Activated Lawn Sprinkler

Motion Activated Lawn Sprinkler

I wish I had one of these last spring when raccoons were digging up my lawn. It's a motion activated lawn sprinkler, for the express purpose of scaring away garden pests such as raccoons, dogs, cats, and other animals. When triggered by its infrared day-or-night motion sensor, it sprays a forceful stream of water at the intruders.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brand New Hello

hi bloggieh !
its been so long since my last post .
i havent posted anything yet . for sure i just don't know what to post now , because all my life seems to be flat . a really-really damned busted flat T^T
so what elses to do, buddy? for some reason , i just hunting some pop arts picture . there're cool , but it was really tired finding that pict . i really want to add those image to this post , but idon't have much time . here some !

that's not all , if i have enough time , i'll post another popart i just found .

ohyeah ! another news . sizzling news ! heyaa !
here!here! i'm about wearing brickets . will that looks cute?
another is , i'm gping to make this blog as a fashion blog .
i just don't know where i can share my mind in fashion . maybe you can be it , bloggie , can't you? :)
here you go ! another more sizzling !
i'm getting my self into a tradicional dance club , or sanggar ini indonesia . what a W.O.W
here the link .

thats all baby blue .

poisonous love ,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Song- Dream a Little Dream

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
While I’m alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I’m longin’ to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

(instrumental break)

Stars shining up above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "i love you"
Birds singin’ in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Yes, dream a little dream of me

Thursday, August 12, 2010

move on

we both miss the old us , right . wish we both want to be together . but one of us have to show it first . and the rest will get inside the play . honestly i'd rather wait before i broke someone's heart . so come on ! you have to make some move . we'd better go from this confusing situation .


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stab and stabber

Hai hello assalamualaikum hanyong hawayua spada syaloooom !
Ini gue ngepost di kasur - pake handphone. *mobile post istilah gawe nya hehe *
Buat kali ini , temanya stab :)
Pertama; kenapa sih gue tiba2 nulis kaya gni? Lagi di stab sma org?
Yup ! True true true ! (upin upin style red.) hehe
Nggak sebegitunya jg. Tpi lebih jelasny, gue sedang tdak bsa mempercayai siapapun kecuali Tuhan dan ssorang bernama ingrid (engaged gue di facebook)
gimana mau prcya? Kalo nyatanya stiap kepercayaan dihancurkan
Setiap kejujuran dibohongi
Siapa yg nggak muak, coba ?!
Di posisi gue saat ini, gue mencoba mengerti kenapa seseorang melakukan ini. Alasan 'keamanan' kalo kata satpam . ketika udah begitu banyak pertimbangan ujung2nya harus bkin keputusan .
Tapi masalahnya, dia udah nggak bsa aman dengan keadaan kayak gni !!
Pernah nggak sih lo merasa untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu karena untuk mengamankan diri lo?
Kenapa nggak lo coba pikir untuk tidak melakukan hal yg sudah lo lakukan itu?
Krena ktika lo tidak melakukan sesuatu untuk mengamankan diri lo dan perbuatan lo sbelumnya, lo melakukan kejahatan yang kedua,
Ribet ya?
Contoh deh !
murid menyontek, waktu ditanya , dia jawab tidak (demi keamanan)
Sebenernya pas dia nyontek, udah dosa 1 , ditambah bohong ajdi dosa 2.
Itu masih biasa. Nah sekarang hbungannya sama stabber apa siihhh??
Nggak jauh2 deeeeh
Gue sering banget anak2 sma smp tuh pda ngomongin yg namanya di 'stab' sama seorang 'stabber' (yaiyalah-,- zz) gebetannya lah diambiil, pacaranya lah diambil , ato mantannya lah gitu , ato di munafikin sma temen dan dijelek2im -o-
umumnya emang itu doang kan?
Dan akan terus berputerr2 disitu..
Masalahnya ituitu juga..
Nah buat stabber2 handal nih yeeee ;
Takut nggak sih lo trjadi pada diri lo sndiri??
Buat yg menyesal nih ;
Kenapa lo milih buat ngumpetin, lebih baik gausah lo lakukan dong ! Dripada harus ngumpetin ?!

Sang stabber berusaha terlihat sedih supaya si stabbed mengerti dan merelakan. Nih2 yang sepik2 nya berasa banget dan cara jawabnya;

1.gue gakmau lo sakit gra2 ini
* what the hell? U won't die because something like this, will you?
2.gue mncoba cari yg trbaik bwt kita, teman :'(
*jalan yg trbaik adalah lo nggak ngelakuin itu, ato stelah trlanjur lo ksh tau gue dan mnjelaskan smua ke gue shingga kt ambil kputusan brsama.. bukannya nglakuin dan ngumpetin.
3.gue gtau hrus gmna, gw kaya dihadapin plihan sulit , lo temen gue, atau dia ( atau hal lain yg membuat dia stab-ing elo)
* DAN INTINYA ITU BENDA / ORANG LEBIH PENTING DR GUE KARENA BUKTINYA LO NGLAKUIN ITU, BRARTI LO MEMILIH ORG/BENDA ITU DRPDA GUE,sma aja boong lo jelasin ke gue buung !!! Udah ketauan pilihan lo. Mau gw jungkir balik juga udh lo pilih hal itu
4.bukannya gtu ! Gw syang sma lo, tp gw udh terlanjur dan gue gatau hrus apalagi, smpe akhirnya gue harus umpetin dr lo.
* jgn ngmg syang. Kalo lo bner syang, nggak akan lo nglakuin ini ! Harusnya lo kasih tau gue dan berhenti lanjutin. Mudah, bukan? lo sakit dan gue juga sakit. DEAL , bukan?!

Dimunafikin :
Kalo ini gk ada jawaban . Udah jelas yg munafik itu bersalah. Jelas2 sikapnya luar dalem beda . Dan pas ketahuan, percaya deh, dia nggak akan ngasih alasan lagi . Karena emng nggak ada yg perlu dia omongin -,-

Gitu sih pengalaman gue, alasan apapun si stabber melakukan itu ke elo jgan percaya deh ! Emang disitu dia lagi SALAH . Siapapun dia itu ! Tpi, kalo akhir2nya bukan maksud gue nglarang maaf2an . Itu urusan masing2 , kok ..cuma ngebantu lo cra ngejawab biar si stabber merasakan kesalahan dri perbuatannya . Jadi lo sma dia bisa baikan dan dy nggak akan nglakuin itu lagi, bukan?
Kalo lo nggk bsa jawabnya, terus dia asal aja gtu lgsung baikan sma lo, percaya deh, dengan mudah dia ngelakuin itu. Heheh ..thats all i think
Thanks for read :)


Saturday, May 8, 2010

this week . what a week

sumpah menyenangkan sekali minggu ini :)
pertama :

Minggu , 2 Mei 2010

Capit's (click to see) 15th birthday party ! held on HappyPuppy Kelapa Gading
and guest what ?
We got 6 hours for karaoke-ing !
dan ini pertama kalinya gue gak merasa bosen
seru sekaaaaali . dan kita membuat 3 video yang hanya diedarkan di kalangan kita , maaf bukan untuk spam hehe . agak-sedikit-lumayan-terlalu-frontal sepertinya . hehe .
yep totally di traktir capit a.k.a savitri nanda saraswidiasti .
ikhikhikhik.. sama makannya loh ! udah one package ! hehhe
started from 12:00 am till 06:00 pm .
we sing a lot of songs . dan yang paling berbekas adalah lagu BrickByBoringBrick nya Paramore . what a song is that song! seru banget . gue dan yang lain lompat-lompat sampe gue sendiri gak sadar masih make HighHeels 8cm , berlompat ria dengan hebringnya .
and theeen , gue , Jo (irianie tantri) dan Cy (Hervina Marshellia) melaju ke Gading buat foto hehe . ngalay yeeeee . wkwk . ini hasil photobox nya :)

ini hanya beberapa dari semuanya . hehe . kasian kalo si Cy suruh scan semua fotonya . soalnya hasilnya gelap , kasian dia suruh ngedit2 lagi wkwk .

Se-selesai-nya foto-foto , kita kembali ke rumah masing masing menggunakan Taxi hehe .
di taxi gue duduk depan biar lega , dan merasa agak horror karena supirnya suka megang handphone . ya nggak ngapa-ngapa sih , tapi tetep aja takutnya worst thing nya tuh dia ngehubungin sesiapa orang gitu , terus gue dan kawan-kawan dengan najisnya nggak selamat.
dan ternyata , hanya firasat buruk eheh . tapi tetep aja , kalo ada supir taxi kaya gitu , harus di kasih tau juga , jangan didiemin , hehe .. salah gue sih gak ngomong -,- tapi yasudahlah , pengalaman ! hihihi

Senin , 3 Mei 2010

nggak ada apa-apa sih . tapi seneng aja hari ini intra :) intra selalu sukses mem-baik-an mood gue , thanks to fandiar majiid , prabu maulana , gregorius kristian , imam kurniawan , resty irma , dan rahma yuninta . (search their name on facebook for further info . haha )

Selasa , 4 Mei 2010

nothing special . hehe . cuma hari ini , hari pertama ILP dan lo tau , di basic 4 ada anak kelas 6 SD ? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ? hahha *shocked in pain* hehe . terus pas ilp , si memey (search on twitter : @mediara )bilang lady gaga di amputasi kakinya dengan alasan fashion . dan setelah di lihat di internet , TIDAK ! GOSSIP . gue udah shocked out aja tuh. hahaha ..

Rabu , 5 Mei 2010

hari ini liburrr ! yyeeaaayy !
dan ya seperti biasa biar libur , harus tetep ketemu sama anak Cornetts :) ehehehe
tapi si savit gak ikut karena harus ganti behel*minyiminyi* hehe . kita ketemuan di tomangtol buat nyari kado capit , lanjut ke cindy , nggak juga ketemu gado yang bagus , atau yg berhubunngan sama CARS yg kartun itu loh . gue depresi dan akhirnya belin dia 20 cap2an mickey and minnie mouse . gakpenting abis kan ya hehhhheh . tp dia orgnya iseng dan gue yakin dia bakalan seneng . heheh . dri situ makan ke hokben dan lanjut nemenin gue bel intra hehe . makan es podeng 1 bertiga . terus mereka pulang , dan gue intra .

Kamis , 6 mei 2010 gak dirumah doang sama ILP -,- bored hahah . ada sesuatu , tapi bukan untuk di publikasikan heheh . entr aja ya ..

jumat sekolah seperti biasa hehe :) tapi seperti biasa . pulangnya ke rumah gue dan membuat video gila dan cacat plus sekseh hahahhaahah

tapi mereka membuat semuanya menyenangkan banget ",
cornettty made it EXCELLENT ! hehehe
lovelovelove deh pokoknya ..

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lady Gaga - Speechless


HOoooooowww ?? 3x

I can't believe what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up
Baby you gave up, you gave up

I can't believe how you looked at me
With your James Dean glossy eyes
In your tight jeans with your long hair
And your cigarette stained lies

Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?

I'll never talk again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless

And I'll never love again,
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless

I can't believe how you slurred at me
With your half wired broken jaw
You popped my heart seams
On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

I can't believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He's gonna get you and after he's through
There's gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it's complicated
But I'm a loser in love
So baby raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends

I'll never talk again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless so speechless

I'll never love again,
Oh friend you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless



And after all the drinks and bars that we've been to
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?

And after all the boys and girls that we've been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?

If I promise boy to you
That I'll never talk again
And I'll never love again
I'll never write a song
Won't even sing along

I'll never love again
So speechless
You left me speechless, so speechless
Why you so speechless, so speechless?

Will you ever talk again?
Oh boy, why you so speechless?
You've left me speechless so speechless

Some men may follow me
But you choose "death and company"
Why you so speechless? Oh oh oh

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pucca Garu

haha . see :

and i wish i can be like puca . to love even not to beloved hehe :)
wishing Garu to loveback , indeed . hehe

smooches :*

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nggak mau pisah

gue gamau banget pisah sama temen2 SMA gue sekarang vincy capit joe ius hugo made astri aduh banyak banget . dwiky dan kawan-kawan dan komplotan.
semuanya !
x.2 udah nyaman ba nget buat guue
setelah berat ninggalin tarpat , males banget harus kelas 2 dan misah dari mereka
Ya tapi mau gmna lgi , gue harus terima
ya berusaha mengasik2asikan diri sendiri di kelas baru nantinya .
doakan aja bisa sekelas sama mereka-mereka lagi . i Please you God , nggak tau deh apa jadinya kalo gak bareng cornetty sama PTG . udah nyatu banget sih ,
huhu kalo inget mau nangiiiis aja rasanya :'(
udahan ah entar nangis beneran lagi nih gue
tapi ya doakan saja bisa bareng mereka2 lagi :')

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Gue sebenernya rada kaget . ini orang kenapa , tiba-tiba jadi aneh gitu . susah dijelasin . tapi si mr.X ini menjadi freak dan , dengan alasan yang tidak jelas melakukan banyak hal seperti proses PDKT . gue gak mau terlalu ambil pusing , tapi tetep aja banyak hal yang membuat gue kepikiran . sempet sih cerita singkat ke temen-temen gue * ya nggak banyak * . tapi pendapat mereka berbeda-beda . yang ending-endingnya , gue tambah bingung hahaha . coba aja lo ngerasain , pasti pada bingung juga . tapi banyak hal positif yang gue dapet dari sini , jadi lebih asik sama si itu , dan pastinya , hari-hari gue lebih berisi . wahahaha . cerita gue gak nngawang , iya nggak sih ? hehe . gak papa deh . at least gue nge post . udah ah sgtu aja - bye !

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

short visit from FB status

tdnya mau dibuat status tpi kpnjangan ..
hehhe ...
baca yaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

saya butuh kesempatan , untuk berusaha untuk lebih menghargai sesuatu . menghargai sebuah bentuk yang dinamakan kerja keras , bukan hasil . tidak menjadi terlalu obsesif dan tidak pesimis . saya mau percaya kalau saya benar , saya tidak akan gagal . saya mau bisa mengambil setiap indah dari kegagalan , bukan meringis kesakitan tanpa perbaikan . saya mau memetik buah hidup saya , bukan hanya bicara tapi komitmen . saya ingin membuat hidup saya lebih berarti . membuat perjanjian baru dari diri saya dan untuk saya . saya mau diri saya menjadi motivasi bukan hanya untuk saya tapi orang lain . saya mau mncintai diri saya sendiri . membuat kekurangan saya menjadi hal yang menyenangkan . saya ingin setiap sakit menjadi bahagia . saya ingin punya perspektif beda . melihat dari mata saya , bukan mata orang lainnya . memandang dan melakukan hal sebagai diri saya bukan orang lainnya . saya ingin mandiri , tapi saya tidak sendiri . saya mau bisa melakukan segala hal dengan maksimal , sebisa yang saya bisa . saya mau berusaha menjadi lebih baik . dan jika saya melanggarnya , izinkan saya bertobat dan kembali mengatakan , 'saya akan berusaha' .

ini baru versi pendeknya .
yang panjang ada di binder gue hehe .
visit me at 61 SHS to read heehe .
thanks and bye

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This i promise you - N'sync

"This I Promise You"

When the visions around you,
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you,
Are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength,
I'll give you hope,
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call,
Was standing here all along..

And I will take
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever,
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never...
Will you hurt anymore
I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow,
Forever has now begun...

Just close your eyes
Each loving day
I know this feeling won't go away
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you..
This I promise you..

Over and over I fall (over and over I fall)
When I hear you call
Without you in my life baby
I just wouldn't be living at all...

And I will take (I will take you in my arms)
You in my arms
And hold you right where you belong (right where you belong)
Till the day my life is through
This I promise you baby

Just close your eyes
Each loving day (each loving day)
I know this feeling won't go away (no..)
Every word I say is true
This I promise you

Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Ooh, I promise you...

This boy called diablo :)

hai hai .
post lagi nih .
sekolah lagi agak longgar di minggu ini :)
dan akan kembali sibuk di minggu depan . fuhh
yea finally , gue mulai bisa melupakan mantan gue dan beralih ke diablo .
finally !!!!!!
gue gak pernah sebegitu berusaha mengerjar diablo .
dia emang susah banget diraih . gue pengen gue mengenal dia .
dan gue pengen dia kenal sama gue .
gue pengen serius ah . sekali-kali . hehe
setelah p-man mungkin ini yang akan jadi gebetan gue selama 3 tahun .
i know me and i know whom i gonna love .
ini calon-calon nya orang yang jadi changer-nya pman sepertinya .
klop aja hati gue sama dia ,
gue gamau berharap terlalu jauh ,
gamau sumpah gak akan jadian sampe dapetin dia.
hidup gue bukan dia doang isinya .
tapi dia bagian .
he's not my whole life .
but he's the part of my life .
and it's gonna be something wrong when i separated from him.
something missing ,and its wrong .
entah ya ,
mungkin gue akan menangis dan sakit hati kalau dia jadian .
sure i'll tell him i love him when he tell me he loves another girl .
i will !!! i promise .

diablo bukan hayalan ,
diablo bukan hayalan !
dia beneran
gue sayang banget sama dia .
gue tau 3 tahun ini belum tentu bareng dia terus ,
but i still got some hope , right ?
gue mungkin gak bisa menentukan ,
tapi yet i hope to God , i will -.-
this is my pray .
P-R-A-Y .

saat gue suka sama dia ,
yg gue lakukan adalah membuatnya mengenal gue
membuatnya tau gue siapa
sehingga saat dia mengenal gue , dia yang memutuskan .
siapa seorang gue buat dia , lalu dia bisa ambil langkah
apa yang akan dia lakukan ke gue .

bukan dengan mendekati dia sampai dia merasa suka sama gue
gue pengen rasa suka sayang itu timbul natural
timbul karena saling mengenal
itu yang gue pengen
sehingga kalau dia udah kenal dan akhirnya dia gak memilih gue,
gue bisa tau kenapa dia kaya gitu .
karena memang dia gak menghendaki gue'
dia gak suka
bukan karena gue kurng semangat PDKT

yah let it flow , biarin aja semua berjalan . i still have 3 years and i will try to make you know who am i , and make you mine , then .

love, xoxo

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hallo school

Hai blogga . aku udah jarang nge-post yah . ehemm

sekolah biasa-biasa aja tuh . tapi sekarang itu aku pindah duduk sama savitri dan udah gak sama rinjo . rinjo duduk sama vincy .
eh mau cerita dong .
jadi di sekolah yang lagi ekstriim2nya tuh gue lagi genjar dikatain sama imam .
emang sih di intra emg deket banget . yaiyalah gmna gak deket org maennya ama yg itu2 diang pas bimbel . gatau ah itu orang lebay semua . dan lagi gue bilang itu gue jadian hanya GOSSIP . hahaha

terus diablo , ,hemm gak ada yang perlu diceritain .
still flat aja kayaknya . masih temenan biasa , dan belum berlanjut kmna-mana :)
i'll wait for it . wish me luck for it , then .

apalagi yaa .
sekolah dan pelajaran ?
lagi rajin-rajinnya nih .
hokinya bisa duduk sama savitri a.k.a capit yang rajin .
jadi ketularan . kalo gue sama rinjo yg ada ancur juga gue malah ngobrol

oiyaa ada hal yang pengen banget gue tulis tapi gakbisa di blog . takut orangnya baca . gaenak bok hahah . yasudah sekian dulu ya .
gue post lagi entar kalo sempet.

love, xoxo
