Friday, December 25, 2009
My BEST FRIEND's birthday
His name is Jesus . and i wanna sing for Him
Happy birthday JC
Happy birthday JC
Happy birthday...
Happy birthday...
Happy birthday JC
yea happy birthday my BFF .
thankyou for beeing such a wonderful person in my life
thankyou for your hug when i'm cryin
thankyou for the joy you bring to me when my tears comes down
thankyou for saving my life
thankyou for made my life more colorfull
thanks for eveything , God ,
don't you remember
i always run to you
i always call your name
when i'm troubled
when its hard to trust someone ,
i always trust you .
when its hard to stand still ,
i always stand with you
when its hard to face the truth ,
i always face it with you
when its hard to move on
i always get my move with you
you make me even better day by day :)
you make me know how worth is myself
'till you give me yourself justto save my life
oh yes , ko one like you
no one like you , God
no one always with me to give me a warm hug when its cool
no one always with me to give me strength when i'm weak
no one like you , God
you know i'm so thankful to have such a wonderful person like you in my life
well i won't walk in front of you bcause i'm not your boss
i won't walk behind you bcause i'm not you follower
i will walk besides you because we're friend
and i'm glad to have you , because you're the one and only one i have in my life
you know, God , i hate everyine in my house .
well i'm not feel like home .
i feel hurted in every ways .
i feel angry in every words they say .
i don't know what this means
am i taken this to seriously
or am i too sensitive
too burned in hatred
well i don't know
the one thing i know , is you're with me always
so i dont have to affraid of my "HOME"
because even this time i write , you're with me hugging my shoulders and say
"thanks for you're present my dear . i love you "
and you know what . I love you more more and more each day .
and i want to be more close with you
i hope i will :)
and last,
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Messages you enter here are delivered to a mobile phone or pager. Your contact may be charged for this service.
Sitorus, I. says:
syendy says:
Sitorus, I. says:
Hahaha gw pengen ngepost banget coy gila kampung
syendy says:
post lah sana
dikit bgt post lo ahah
Sitorus, I. says:
Hahhaa gw aja ampe lupa password td
Ampe ngulang password lg
syendy says:
bisa aje lu
Sitorus, I. says:
Hahaha bego sih ya gue
syendy says:
sana nge post men hihi
Sitorus, I. says:
Gila nih gue hr prtama libur aja udah bosen
syendy says:
hem gmna gue
gue libura ya Tuhannn
Sitorus, I. says:
Gila momati ga kemana2
Temen2 gw pada ke singapore
syendy says:
Sitorus, I. says:
syendy says:
oh liburan
Sitorus, I. says:
syendy says:
Sitorus, I. says:
Las vegas
syendy says:
ah kuda lah
Sitorus, I. says:
anak bangke super
syendy says:
gue depan laptop kaya org goblok
Sitorus, I. says:
Anjir emang **** (sencored)
syendy says:
ndot liburan bareng nyoooook
ke kek gituuu
di pantaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Sitorus, I. says:
syendy says:
pasti asiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
u uhu
Sitorus, I. says:
Iyaaaaaaaaaaa gilaaa maenan pasirrrr wuhuuuu
syendy says:
pake baju lucu2 pake topi pantai
Sitorus, I. says:
Ah grembel mauuu gueeeee
syendy says:
terus foto yg bnyakkkkkkk
sebenernya yang enak itu pasar tradisional ky di bali
di jakarta kaga ada ye
Sitorus, I. says:
Hahahhahaaha ada juga pasar ikan noh di ancol (ada ga sih?)
syendy says:
gatau juga gue
emg ga ada pasar kaya gitu
ato nggak
OHMYGOSH -,--------------------------------
Sitorus, I. says:
wiiiiihhhh kanker lu langsung
syendy says:
Sitorus, I. says:
Iya sihhhh ah mantap
syendy says:
gue pengen merasakan liburan
gue caapek harus terus
Sitorus, I. says:
Bangeeet shen
Apaan ini mah sama aja hari biasa
syendy says:
gue caapek harus dimarahin mulu tiap pagi disuruth olahraga
gue caaaaapeeeeek banget tiap hari ngerasa was-was
takkut ngapa2in
gue caapeeek gak boleh jalan keluar
gue pengen kabur ke pantai
Sitorus, I. says:
Emang lo kalo disuruh olahraga ngapain shen?
syendy says:
pengen nginep di rumah orh=g
pengen cerita2 dan ngadain pesta malem2 di rumah temen
sambil mkan cemilan dan nntn film horror pake piyama
Sitorus, I. says:
Mauuuuuuuuuuu gue
syendy says:
pengen foto2 sampe punya 5 folder photos di FACEBOOK
holiday 1 @ rumah .....
Sitorus, I. says:
banyak banget?
syendy says:
holiday 2 @ ancol
holiday 3 @ dufan
holiday 4 @ sency
holiday 5 @ .... party
iya nggak sih menurut lo ?
oke sekian . gue males banyak nulis -,-
Sunday, December 20, 2009
untitled -,-
lagi mau share beberapa printscreen :) look at this :)
kalau kamu liat . PP kami sengaja kembaran looh :)
hemm liat status gue deeeh -,-
hihihihihi =-*
yyah emg cm bbrp org yang ngerti hihihi .
btw : follow yaa ,
e nya 3 kali :)
1.irianie tantri rinjo
2.hervina dame vincivince
3.eliza stephanie ichong
AHAHHA tau aja .
tapi ada yg dilupakan .
and last but first
ehm . dena? aku jadi keinget sesuatu hihi . liat nih :)
namaku di tulis kedua di daftar bestfriends 61 nya . setelah titha ( di blog dia (dena -->
hehe . makasih ya baby :)
hem . ohya ada postingan selanjutnya tentang liburan gue yang boring dan ajaib bangt nyebelinnya . tunggu aku yaaa :D hahahha
kiss and hug
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pray More
i've gotta new cutie quotes :3
its so quiet .....
no one talks .....
no one awakes .....
i close my eyes .....
i lay my head down .....
i lift my hand .....
i pray .....
then .....i wait for God .....
to answer my prayer .....
at the time i don't know when ......
yeah you know why ??gue merasa makin hari makin ada aja masalah .
ya emang hanya masalah kecil-kecil sih .
yah itu ga usah dibahas .
in fact , gue merasa kita itu butuh Tuhan banget nggak sih ??
ya gue sih merasa iya . whyyyyyy ??
big QUESTION in ur head .
what happened with ya' syendy ?
i'm a religius person for sure .
what? ur not sure .
just make it sure , then .
:D haha . dammit .
gue merasa semakin gue berkutat dengan masalah gue sendiri , gue akan semakin lupa sama Tuhan dan pada akhirnya ,
you know what will gonna happen when you do something without any Bless from Him ?
its ZERO
its gonna be NOTHING
its damn BAD ya' know !
so so so ,
at this time i wanna tell you how i did my problems done .
take a seat baby .
you are going abroad to a place of mine .
called neverland -,-
so here we are ..
start !
gue lagi bermasalah dengan seseorang . perang dingin dan sama-sama tidak tahu bahwa kita sedang perang . they're with me . tapi orang-orang disekitar kami berpihak pada gue . dan bodohnya , gue sendiri yang akhirnya menyerah . you know buddy ? when you are too tired to solve a problem , some of you think you'd better go . dan itulah yang gue rasakan saat itu . i said .
JUST LET ME GO . i'd better go . biar Tuhan yang balas . i've tried my best . but you see it gives me worst . and i'm tired . LET GOD DO THE REST .
ya gue udah bingung mau ngapain lagi ,
get deppresed?
hey what a waste of time !
better if it will solve the problem , but in fact , its not !
so , gue decide untuk membiarkan Tuhan yang membalas .
bahasa halusnya , biar Tuhan yang melakukan apa yang seharusnya gue lakukan ..
karena teguran dari dia dan rencana yang Dia buat akan JAUH lebih baik dari rencana gue ..
better than my REVENGE PLAN :)
second quotes diabntu gumam (
you will get what you deserve to got .
percayalah . lo mendapatkan apa yang memang pantas lo dapatkan .
kalo di alkitab (or christian and catholic)
taburlah yang baik--dan akan kamu dapatkan yang baik pula .
see . so do the good things . and you'll got the good things too:)
nothing to write
okay then
gue jabarin satu2 arti quotes tadi
its so quiet ..... sepi banget --> menandakan gue lagi diem
no one talks ..... gak ada yang berbicara --> menandakan gue udah speechless dan gatau harus ngmg apa lagi . no one awakes ..... gak ada yg terbangun --> menandakan udah ga ada orang lagi disekitar gue yang masih ada buat gue
i close my eyes ..... aku menutup mata --> menandakan gue mulai berusaha untuk menutup mata atau tidur untuk melupakan semuanya .
its rainin' ..... sedang hujan --> menandakan gue menangis
its tundher ! ..... ada petir --> menandakan ada teguran dari Tuhan buat gue untuk kembali terbangun dari 'tidur' gue
i lay my head down ..... aku menundukan kepala --> menundukan kepala maksudnya gue udah takluk sama Tuhan akan teguranNya
i lift my hand ..... aku mengangkat tangan --> maksudnya gue melipat tangan
i pray ..... aku berdoa
then .....i wait for God ..... aku menunggu Tuhan
to answer my prayer ..... untuk menjawab doaku
at the time i don't know when ...... di waktu yang aku gak tau kapan
gue terdiam . gue udah speechless dan gatau harus ngmg apa lagi . udah ga ada orang lagi disekitar gue yang masih ada buat gue .gue mulai berusaha untuk menutup mata atau tidur untuk melupakan semuanya .ada teguran dari Tuhan buat gue untuk kembali terbangun dari 'tidur' gue.akhirnya gue takluk sama Tuhan akan teguranNya . gue melipat tangan . gue berdoa . gue menunggu Tuhan buat menjawab doa gue . eski gue gak tau kapan , dan sampai kapanpun gue tunggu . :)
tha's all .
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Good Post Writen By Vania Yacinda : @
Lalu bagimana dgn papa?
Mungkin mama lebih sering menanyakan keadaan anaknya setiap taukah kamu jika papamu yg mengingatkannya utk menelfonmu?
Mgkn mama yg lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita,tp taukah kamu sepulangnya ia bekerja dgn wajah lelah ia selalu menanyakan kabarmu dari mama mu?
waktu kecil..
Papa mengajari putri kecilnya bermain sepeda. Setelah dia mengganggap kamu bisa ia melepaskan roda bantu di sepedamu, Saat itu mama menutup mata karena takut anaknya terjatuh lalu ayah dgn yakin menatapmu mengayuh sepeda dgn pelan karena dia tahu putri kecilnya pasti bisa.
Saat kamu menangis meronta meminta boneka yg baru,mama menatapmu iba,tetapi ayah mengatakan dgn tegas "kita beli nanti,tapi tidak sekarang" karena ia tidak ingin kamu menjadi manja dgn semua tuntutan yg selalu di penuhi.
ketika kamu remaja
kamu mulai menuntut utk keluar malam. Lalu papa mulai bersikap lebih tegas ketika mengatakan "tidak".
itu utk menjagamu karena kamu adalah sesuatu yg berharga.
Lalu kamu masuk ke kamar membanting pintu.
Tp yg dtg mengetok pintu dan membujuk mu adalah mama.
Taukah kamu saat itu dia memejamkan matanya dan menahan diri,karena Dia sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu. Tp lagi2 dia harus menjagamu.
saat seorang cowok mulai sering datang mencarimu, Papa akan memasang wajah paling cool sedunia. Dan sesekali menguping atau mengintip saat kmu sdg brdua di ruang tamu. Tahukah kmu dia merasa cemburu?
dan saat dia melonggarkan sedikit peraturan, kamu melanggar jam malamnya. Ia duduk di ruang tamu menunggu mu pulang dgn sangat2 khawatir. Wajah khawatir itu mengeras ketika melihat putri kecilnya pulang terlalu larut. Dia marah. Karena hal yg di takutinya akhirnya datang "putri kecilnya sudah tidak ada lg"
saat papa sedikit memaksamu utk menjd seorang dokter. Ketahuilah bahwa ia hanya memikirkan masa depanmu nanti. Tp toh dia tetap tersenyum saat pilihanmu adalah menjd seorang penulis.
sampai saat papa harus melepasmu di bandara. Bahkan badannya terlalu kaku utk memelukmu. Ia hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasehat ini-itu. Dia ingin menangis seperti mama yg menangis dan memelukmu erat. Tp dia hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya dan menepuk pundakmu berkata "jaga diri baik2". Agar kamu kuat utk pergi.
saat kamu butuh uang untuk membiayai uang semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yg mengerutkan kening adalah Papa. Berusaha mencari jalan agar anaknya bisa merasa sama dgn yg lain.
ketika permintaanmu bukan lg sekedar meminta boneka baru, dan ia tau ia tidak bisa memberikan. Dia sangat ingin mengatakan "iya nak,nanti kita beli" dan saat kata2 yg keluar adalah "tidak bisa" dari bibirnya. Tahukah kamu Ia merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum.
saat kamu sakit dan tidak berada di dekatnya. Papa terlalu khawatir sampai kadang sedikit membentak berkata "sudah di blg jgn minum air dingin!".berbeda dgn mama yg memperhatikanmu dgn lembut.
ketahuilah saat itu ia benar2 khawatir dgn keadaanmu.
dan di saatnya nanti kamu wisuda sebagai seorang sarjana. Papa adalah org pertama yg berdiri dan memberi tepuk tangan utk mu. Dia yg tersenyum bangga dan puas melihat "putri kecilnya yg tidak manja berhasil tumbuh dewasa, dan telah menjadi seseorang"
sampai saat seorang teman hidupmu datang dan meminta izin mengambilmu darinya. Papa akan sangat berhati2 memberikan izin.karena ia tau laki2 itu yg nanti akan menggantikannya.
dan saat Papa melihat mu duduk di panggung pernikahan bersama seseorang yg di anggapnya pantas menggantikannya. Papa pergi kebelakang panggung,dan menangis "tugasku telah selesai dgn baik.putri kecilku yg lucu telah menjadi wanita yg cantik"
Papa hanya bisa menunggu kedatangan mu dan cucu2nya sesekali utk menjenguknya. Dgn rambut yg telah memutih dan badan yg tak lagi kuat utk menjagamu dari bahaya.
papa adalah sosok yg harus selalu terlihat kuat bahkan ketika dia tidak kuat utk tdk menangis. Harus terlihat tegas bahkan saat dia ingin memanjakanmu.
papa jg orang pertama yg selalu yakin bahwa "kamu bisa" dalam hal apapun.
tersenyum dan bersyukurlah ketika kamu bisa merasakan kasih syg seorang papa hingga tugasnya selesai.kmu adalah salah satu org yg beruntung. Karna papa adalah sosok superhero yg hebat.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
15 tahun -,)(*
tanggal 26 kmaren tapinya . huahhaha . akus enang sekali .
tapi ga da yg spesial . hanya jalan2 sama fildza irin fira dan indacc ke PS makan dan ngemil icy blue . sekrang aku jadi tergila gila yoghurt lo . apalagi frozeeeeeeen x9 nyumms .
hehe . aku hanya dapet 1 kado -,- huhuhu . dari keluarga inti . tapi sneeng banget sama kadonya .
crocs malindi animal printed pink . GOSHHHHH !!!!
HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ... lucu kan ya . huhuhu .
yea its cost much . US$ 55 :) but worth it x9
seconddddddddd , tadi di sekolah sih diselamatin sama anak 2 , tapi yg paling lucu , waktu lagi pelajaran mandarin aku disuruh kedepan dan dinyanyin happy birthdya bahasa mandarin . hahha . lucunya .
yagitu deh seneng juga tapi gak ada yang spesial banget banget . ga dapet kejutan dari temen atau yang lain lain . tapi ya happy enough . :)
oia , meski udah 15 tahun , tetep aja aku pengen kado , hahah , whatever is it deh . aku suka aja buka isinya . hihihi . seru gitu deg degan . hhehe .
ya segitu postingan hari ini . sebenernya kaki ku lagi sakit banget . dari lutut ke bawah ga bisa banyak gerak karena bengkak gatau kenapa . sakit banget , gabisa gerak dan keram banget sangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat :(:(:((((( udah gtu sariawan nya 3 . DAN ITU SAKIT BANGET .
makanya aku lagi istirahat . bedrest aja dulu gitu :) hehehe . doakan aku sembuh yaaaaaa readers . loooove !!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mouth **
kaga bisa gitu ngomong disaring dulu .
becanda becanda ?? lucu emangnya ..
sekali dua kali yaudah . tapi jangan banayk2 dong . PIHAK SINI KAN RUGI .
wohoooo ngomong seenaknya .
terusin ajaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
udah muka dua , mulut UN-controlable
apa lagi cobaaaaaaaaaa ?
kalo bukan karena lo asik , udah gaatau deh sekarang gue keselnya sama lo seberapa .
thing are going better but it be worst when you were come .
lo tau gue udah berjalan susah payah , dan mulut bitchy lo itu mengeluarkan kata2 yang tidk sepantasnya . dan menghancurkan semuanya .
gak bisakan lo pikirin dulu sebelum ngomong ?? lo tau gak orang punya privasi.
kentut lah loooo !
udah dari awal gue BT dan sekrang lo hancurkan mood gue , LAGI .
eh kalau gue jahat dari tahun kapan gue bilang tuhsi X lo ga mungkin suka sama lo .
gue akan bilang gausah kepedean karena X itu cowok yang emg genit .
dan bukan hanya sama lo .
kalo gue jahat gue bisa .
but i still have my heart in me .
biar se bitchy apa mulut lo yang gak pernah di filter iitu , gue gak prnah kaya gitu sama lo .
gue bisa jaga sikap gue dn berhati2 di hadapan lo dan X lo itu .
tapi apa dengan lo ? bikin panas doang bisanya .
gaya lo kaya rambo , tapi depan X gue lo kaya cewek lemah butuh perlindungan , ooouh ppleaseeee ???????
MUKA DUA banget lo yaaaaaaaaaaaa
gue udah baik sekali . dn berkali kali juga lo buat gue nangis ......
lo seneng gue seneng . lo sedih gue seidh
gue seneng lo sedih . gue sedih lo seneng . gue tau kooooooooook
gue juga tau lo tipe person which loved to be loved
sebanyak mungkin yang suka sama lo .
biar alay sekalipun kaya mantan dan cowok lo itu .
nagatain orang ga bisa ngaca ya kamu baby .
gue cuma bisa ngamuk disini , toh pas negliat muka lo , angels come and give me bless to did hurt you no more . dan gue harus berkorban dan nangis .---- LAGI .
lo tau gue udah berjalan panjang untuk hal ini , dan dengan indahnya hancur karena mulut bitchy lo . ya Tuhan . mau ulang dari awal juga ga bisa . inget ya sayang , kalo sampe X benci sama gue dan look at me like i'm a nasty girl , orang yang gue peringatkan pertama kali adalah elo .
baru berapa bulan kenal sama gue , kan lo . jangan anggap lo tau siapa gue .
just beware of me .
cause you dont know who i am .
Friday, November 13, 2009
CREEP - radiohead
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
And I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
I don't care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
She's running out again,
She's running out
She's run run run running out...
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special...
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.
I don't belong here.
semuanya deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh .
seneng karena diablo . seperti biasa :) bukan tempat cerita tentang diablo disini :):):):)
sedih karena tadi temen gue nyebelin banget . lagi lagi berhubungan dengan diablo . entahlah dia selalu menjadi penghalang . dia itu tipe loved to be loved dan dia memaksakan diablo untuk "itu" ke dia . secara tidak langsung dan ingin aku dan temenku satunya lagi sadar-,- oh pleease
BT karena si copycateer shit itu lagi lagi ngikut dan ngikut . LO BAYANGIN DIA IKUTIN GAYA GUE . LEPAS SEPATU DAN KAOS KAKI . SEPATU DIINJEK . sok banget kan !! gila ya mental tempe otak cere mau ngeksis . MERAH RAPOT 12 aja mau ngeksis dan ikutan gaul . GABISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!! lo kira gue gaul dia gaya doang . tuh otak tajemin . ama mental kuatin . TEMPE aja belagu lo .
BT karena di katain temen gue sama pa jono . gue gamau marah sih . kesannya gue sensi banget . mereka kan bercanda . tapi yang gue kesel si itu kenapa selalu ngatain sih ? ngeselin bgt . serasa perfect aja . ah bete gue ah elaaah !!!!! sekali2 kenapa gak dia yang kena gitu . zzzzzzzzzz
ngantuk karena sedih . bawaannya pengen tidur aja sypa tau mimpiin diablo . apalagi tadi pas ekonommi . bzzzt banget kan gurunya -,-
capek . tadi pulang keujanan . udah gitu mengingat cerita diablo di hujan semakin bikin ESMOSI dan bete tinggkat FULL -,- begitulah .
pokoknya hari ini campur aduk
ditambah si cowok kurang ajar a.k.a si mantan58 itu nge chatt . nyapa . shend?? dan gak gue bales . hey hey hey . for what ??? plis deh lo udah ga penting lagi kali -,-
dan begtulah rasanya pengen terjun aja deh gue . zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sekitar gue jadi nyebelin :( ah tau ah
pengen naik ke genteng sambil bawa ipod dan sunglasses , tapi hujan .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Untuk .
just givin you some STRENGTH to face the DAY :)
Fix You
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
download it -->
Speed of Sound
Speed of Sound by Coldplay
How long before I get in
Before it starts before I begin
How long before you decide
Before I know what it feels like
Where to, where do I go?
If you never travel you’ll never know
How long do I have to climb
Up on the side of this mountain of mine
Look up, I look up at night
Planets are moving at the speed of light,
Climb up, up in the trees
Every chance that you get is a chance you seize
How long am I gonna stand
With my head stuck under the sand
I’ll start before I can stop
Before I see things the right way up.
All that noise and all that sound
All those places I got found
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you’d understand
Ideas that you’ll never find
All the inventors could never design
The buildings that you put up
Japan and China all lit up
A sign that I couldn’t read
or a light, that I couldn’t see
Some things you have to believe
But others are puzzles, puzzling me
All that noise and all that sound
All those places I got found
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you’d understand
Oh, when you see it then you’ll understand
All those signs I knew what they meant,
Some things you can invent
Some get made and some get sent ooh-ooh
And birds go flying at the speed of sound
To show you how it all began
Birds came flying from the underground
If you could see it then you’d understand
Oh, when you see it then you’ll understand.
Fix You
When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse
And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
mulai dari pagi gue tuh udah merem melek gitu mandinya . dateng sekolah kecepetan . buku cuma bawa dikit . rambut belum dikuncir . belum dijepit poninya . kaya setan . mata setengh2 . parah deh aw . dan hari itu ulangan bahasa indo plus biologi yg 22nya sama mautnya . eheeem . delisiuuuuuuuuuzzz .hhahaha . tapi girangnya . hari ini , skitar gue mnjadi lebih asik . hem entah kenapa ya . hari ini belakang gue gumamsss . dan irin ga masuk . biasanya sepi banget tucc , tapi gatau knpa gue bisa ketawa sampe perut kekocok abis parah rsanya kaya bolong sebelum ulangan b.indo . dan berhasil mengubah gumam si moody menjadi lebih baik lagi moodnya hahaha . dia berharap bisa deket terus duduknya dengan tujuan BERCANDA . seakan2 gue badut yang bisa bikin dia ketawa terus kali ye . plis deh . heheh . kedua , gue bercanda lagi dengan asoy nya bersama indac,vina,marius dan yang lain sebagai pemeran tambahan . etsets canda deng . iya gitu dh . ketawanya tuh enak banget sumpreeet . seru abis gila . becanda gatau ngomongin apan udah ketawa . dan yang paling gue gabisa lupa tuh muka marius yang lagi bengong sambil nyanyi lagu alay entah lah apa lagunya . terus dia mendalami dari hati banget yaampun . dan gue ga bisa berhenti ketawa sekitar unntuuk , hmm 10 menit lah wooooooooooooaaaaaahoooowwww . asik bukan ahahhahaahahhaha . abis itu ketiga , gue les dan kebetulan hari itu gegi si nak PL gembeletee masuk hahah canda geeeg . terus mengoborol2 gak jelas . kebetulan pas itu . ka Acex guru kita ngambek gara2 si gegi dan si cumishoot bersisiik hahha berisik maksudnya . hehe . jadi agak2 ngambek2 gmance gitu deh dan kita ditinggal sja. bukannya belajar sekelas malah bergerombol bercanda . tapi gue imam gegi cumi lah yang paling asoy . mulai dari ngomongin kipas nya Ruth yang terkena "sesuatu" hauhaha , ngomongin mixmax kuning apakah rasa pisang atau nanas , terus terus mencoba debus dengan api dan adidas spray nya cumi , sampai nahan ketawa kaya orang tolol . yaampun itu seru banget deh pokoknya . mau lagi senin kaya giini . weheheh . I LOVE MONDAY :) :) :) :)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Rick Price - Heaven Knows
she's always on my mind,
from the time i wake up
'till i close my eyes
she's everywhere i go
she's all i know
though she's so far away
it's just keeps getting stronger
every day
and even now she's gone
i'm still holding on
so tell me where do i start
'cause it's breaking my heart
don't wanna let her go
maybe my love will come back some day
only heaven knows
and maybe our hearts will find their way
only heaven knows
and all i can do is hope and pray
'cause heaven knows
my friends keep telling me
that if you really love her
you've gotta set her free
and if she returns in kind
i'll know she's mine
so tell me where do i start
'cause it's breaking my heart
don't wanna let her go
why i live in despair
'cause wide awake or dreaming
i know she's never there
and all these time i act so brave
i'm shaking inside
why does it hurt me so...
i love the chorus and every texts i bold . its not about the girl or the boy or the lovestory . but its about let God leads us . he knows whats best for us . so if you give your best and do your best and not found what you find , just still with your hope and pray . cause haven knows :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary The Legend
The legend of Bloody Mary can be traced back to the 13th century Europe specifically in the northern England area. It is said that young girls were vanishing from the local villages and the area people became convinced that a old woman who lived in a near by forest area was to blame. A huge Mob went to her house one night late at night and drug the old woman from her bed. They accused her of being a witch and tried to torture her into telling them what had happened to the young girls. When she could not tell them the crowd became angrier and they tied her to a near by tree and began to pile wood and brush around her. As they set the wood and brush afire she began to curse the people in the crowd and she is said to have uttered a curse that if any one was foolish enough to say her name , " Bloody Mary " three times in front of a mirror at night while holding a candle she would come out of the mirror and take her revenge on the person foolish enough to have said her name. Ever since then people especially teenagers and youngsters have given it a try. Many claim to have seen Bloody Mary in the mirror and some have even claimed to have been attacked by a old woman who came from the mirror when they said " Bloody Mary " three times in front of a mirror in a dark room while holding a candle. Many have claimed to have seen a ugly old woman glaring out at them from the mirror. Have you ever dared to try it??
Taken from :
This what they say :
kayley says:
7 months ago
well i said her name three times and had a candle in the bathroom and nothing worked so that means that she is not real idk but she might be LOL!!!
jennic says:
4 months ago
everyone knows the bigger legend of bloddy mary but i myself have never been brave enought to say her name infront of a mirror. where i live we have our own local legend...
A woman named Elizabeth had a child without being married so she was shunned from the community she took her daughter and moved here where there was a small home where she could raise her child in peace. People avoided her n her bastard child but Elisabeth lived in contentment. Her daughter mary was beautiful but being a bastard ment that she had no future. Mary had very little education but she got by until she was 17. Her mother left the house one day and while she was gone sum one crept into the house and found mary. I don't know how many people were involved but they raped and cut marys body to ribbons. When her mother came home mary was still alive but bleeding everywhere. Her last words to her mother were theyll all pay. If they come into this house and say my name ill come back for them. When mary died her mother hung herself. the mess that was mary was buried in an unmarked grave underneath her mother on the grounds of the house.
To this day the house still stands and its said if you go inside her home and say her name that she pulls you to the other side to suffer her pain and death for eternity. Poeaople have gone into the house and its reported that most don't come back. Sense its mostly teenagers there all written off as run aways. Me and my friends decided to go into the house one halloween night. When we went in we discovered that no one had cleand up after the deaths. There was still glass every where and what looked like blood. We all stayed together but we heard screaming from somewhere in the house. My friend wanted to say her name but i was to scared to let her. we followed the sounds but they always moved. Things started crashing around and the screaming got closer. By then i had had enough n i left daggin my friends with me. I don't know what happend that night but ive always hoped it was some one playin a trick on us but no one knew we would be there.
I don't know how much of the story is true but in the archives me and my loser friends searched up it listed marys murder n her mothers suicide. It named no burial site. The house was condemed and borded up for a long time until people got curiouse. Its in such a remote spot that no one has torn it down and it still stands to tempt teenagers with its mystery. I for one will never enter that house again.
Vicki Bitis says:
2 weeks ago
Mary Worth(ington) was a witch long ago. She studied the Dark Arts without her parents finding out. When they found out soon enough, they buried her alive with a string tied to her hand. At the end of the string was a bell. This is to see if Mary will ever make up her mind that she'll never do the Dark Arts again. Some say that she scratched her eyes out, then scratched the top of the coffin until her fingernails came off, giving her name "Bloody Mary". Now today, if you're brave enough to summon her, you go infront of a bathroom mirror, lights off with three candles, chanting "BLOODY MARY" three times while spinning around, she'll come and scratch your eyes out too.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Hey there BRIT Lovers
Stupid Girl - by Pink
hear and enjoy it . *sensored means f*ck
Stupid girl, stupid girls, stupid girls
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Go to Fred Segal, you'll find them there
Laughing loud so all the little people stare
Looking for a daddy to pay for the champagne
(Drop a name)
What happened to the dreams of a girl president
She's dancing in the video next to 50 Cent
They travel in packs of two or three
With their itsy bitsy doggies and their teeny-weeny tees
Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?
Oh where, oh where could they be?
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
(Break it down now)
Disease's growing, it's epidemic
I'm scared that there ain't a cure
The world believes it and I'm going crazy
I cannot take any more
I'm so glad that I'll never fit in
That will never be me
Outcasts and girls with ambition
That's what I wanna see
Disasters all around
World despaired
Their only concern
Will they **** up my hair
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
(Do ya thing, do ya thing, do ya thing)
(I like this, like this, like this)
Pretty will you **** me girl, silly as a lucky girl
Pull my head and suck it girl, stupid girl!
Pretty would you **** me girl, silly as a lucky girl
Pull my head and suck it girl, stupid girl!
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that, stupid girl!
Maybe if I act like that, that guy will call me back
Porno Paparazzi girl, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Baby if I act like that, flipping my blond hair back
Push up my bra like that, I don't wanna be a stupid girl
Friday, October 2, 2009 . mmuach (k)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Curhat :'(
saraaaaaaaah aku mau ceriteeeee
sarah says:
ya kaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ada apa?
syendy starletts says:
bntr yaah
jadi gini
sarah says:
oukeh ka
syendy starletts says:
aku dari kelas 9 dket ama (piip) kamu tau khan
blg aja dia si X
sarah says:
iya ka
syendy starletts says:
aku seminggu ini terus"an contact sama dia sar
aku dikasih hadiah dan macemmacemnya
terus dia request aku jadi sister si fb tapi aku gmau
dia tulis status . "if she didn't want to be my sister , will she want to be my girl
terus di comment2in sm (piip) gitu"
dibilang , cie , X lo suka lagi . ganyangka gu eorg kaya lo bisa naksir
gitu" deh
aku ga peduli kan
pas aku like tuh status dgn tujuan iseng
dia remove statusnya
aku tanya kenapa dia bilang dia gasuka status penuh gitu
terus dia suka sms dan chat aku
dia sekarang punya BB jadi online trs
belum lagi dia suka bgt telpon aku iseng doang sih biasanya
terus anehnya aku mulai ngerasa dia gak seasik dulu lagi sar
sarah says:
syendy starletts says:
jadi agak aneh dan bercandanya jadi ga rilex kalo sama aku
sarah says:
ga seasik dulu gimana ka?
syendy starletts says:
aku ga nyaman aja dan aku jujur sama dia
yang dulu biasanya kuajak becanda ya bisa .
sekarang agak agak kaku gimna gitu
kya org Malu" gitu sar
nah aku akhirnya mutusin buat jujur dan tanya langsung ke dianya
sampe akhirnya dia bilang dia bakal ngasih tau lewat sms dan di OFF
aku ngersa aneh karena dia punya BB kok di OFF in
for what gitu loH maksudku
sarah says:
syendy starletts says:
dia gak sms aku seharian itu
( kemaren )
dan barusan aja sekitar jam 7 an dia sms aku
aku kan selama ini nganggep cara pdkt dia ke aku sebagai becandaan
ya aku tanggepin dong sar
secara kelas (piip) aku deket dan suka brcnda sama dia
jadi ya aku anggep asik" iseng aja gitu
danmungkin di dia itu ga biasa
terjadi salah paham gitu deh
terus lanjut ke yg dia sms
dia sms gini ;
"shen, gue mau jujue"
aku bls "sok lo.Hahahah.apaan "
sarah says:
terus terus kaaaaaa
syendy starletts says:
dia blg "gue Sayang sama lo.... bla bla bla"
gitu deh sar
terus aku bilang
"gila lo ya "
dia bls "harus ngapain supaya lo percaya gue serius"
aku bilang "ah boong lo ah tar lagi lo bilang canda kan yakan"
"ck , Enggak!"
sampai akhirnya dia berhasil ngeyakinin aku dengan nelpon aku .
aku bilang aku bls lewat sms
dia ganti statusnya langsung
pm maksudku
nih kaya gini
sarah says:
syendy starletts says:
ah aku langsung chat dia dan bilang dia harus ganti pmnya
aku bales lewat chat aja akhirnya aku bilang
lewat pm aja tuh . kamu liat pm aku itu jawaban aku
sarah says:
iya ka
syendy starletts says:
iya aku jawab gitu
sarah says:
terus dia udah tau jawaban kaka?
syendy starletts says:
itu yang aku chat ke dia
kaya gitu
dia marah sar
dia bilang dia kurang baik apalagi
iya sih
dia baik banget
sarah says:
terus ka?
syendy starletts says:
gitu" deh
dia baik banget sar
aku dikasih (piip)
sarah says:
iya ka
akutau dia baik dan gampang bergaul
syendy starletts says:
aku becanda waktu itu buat mnta lagi ke dianya
tapi sebelum aku daper dia udah bilang gitu duluan dan aku keburu nolak
dan sekarang stuck deh
sarah says:
aduh ka
terus kaka gimana sekarang sama dia?
syendy starletts says:
abis dia marah dia bilang dia abis nangis dan dia Minta maaf karna marah sm aku
dan dia bilang dia cuapek banget
Capek ngejar" aku yg dia anggep aku maenin dia
dan Capek abis nangis
tadinya status dia gni
"i'm tired of you my little lady . for all i've done for you , so this what you give to me . i think you have a heart . but now i know your heart already frozen . FROZEN FOR ME "
ah aku ga tegaaaaaaaaa
skrg pm dia gitu lagi
gmna neeeh
MAAF YA :( i won't your love break our friendship we've build :'( i'm so sorry :'(
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ulang Tahun Icha :)
tadinya ketrin mau ikut tapi ga bisa . sakit katanya . akhirnya gue dan sekar yg belum memutuskan apa apa tetap santai saja . gue berangkat dari rumah jam 7 . sampe rumah sekar jam 8 . disana gak ngapa"in . sampe akhirnyaa agak jam 9an kurang gitu selesai nunggu sekar mandi , gue dan sekar ke toko kecil gitu beli tepung kecap dan lain laiin buat bikin ramuan buat siramin icha .. gue lupa buat fotonya tapi itu enjijikan banget . dari minyak ikan , minyak goreng , lada , semuanya kita masukin ke botol . bedeuh mantap cing . terus akhirnya gue berngkatlah diantar bokapnya sekar ke rumah icha . dan sampe sana minta bantuan adeknya icha - gina buat nolongin kita kasih kejutan buat icha . gina jagain kue , gue sama sekar manggil icha terus nyiram2 . gue disitu garing banget karena cuma bertiga . akhirnya gue ambil rauan dahsyat gue dan gue siramin ke icha . menjijikan men baunya iuuuuks . terus dgn muka dantampang udah gakjelas gue manggil gina , dia datang dengan kue yang gue dan sekar beli - mampir di jesse bread sebelum k rmh ichaa .
itu icha yang madep ke kamera . dan yang nyengir kuda itu gue .
sesudah nunggu icha menghilangkan bau asemnye . selesai itu kita naik 21 dan chao ke ancol naek busway . nyampe sono ramenya ganahan baaaaang . kita memutuskan ke gelanggang samudra . disana kita liat binatang dan nonton sinema 4d ini diaaa
foto ini membuktikan gue gatakut sama badut ! yiha
gue booong . gue takuuuuut ahahahahahahha ! lo liat mata gue udah kay amau kabur bginni
seenggaknya badut lebih baik daripada kupukupu yiahahhaha
beruang madu main gitaaar :D
dadaaaaaaaaaaaaaah readers x9
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
tau ini siapa? nggak tau . nih gue zoom :)
Pernah gak ada orang yang nangis buat masalah yang sedang lo hadapi ?
Pernah gak ada orang yang merasa bersalah karena dia merasa dirinya kurang memberi waktu buat lo ?
u have to meet this person .
she told me that she cried for my problems .
she told me sorry for not gives me time .
but she gives me much time , but its just about me which don't wanna share .
when i think i don't have anyone arround me . its just about there NO ONE HAVE TIME FOR ME . not about NO ONE FOR ME . so , i can arrange the time , because there is someone .
gue nge plurk ini :
kalo org bilang sahabat kita bisa bosen denger curhatan kita bcause they have their own live,so.there is no best friends forever , right?
depressed banget karena gue merasa itu benar . tapi nyatanya ada kan yaaaaaa . ahahahhaha .
:) :)
gue sama indot temenan dari LAHIR kok :D
I LOVE YOU INGRID . sorry banget ga bales chat lo . kan sibuk bikin ini :')
and theeeeeeeeeeen ,
always makes me laugh men ! si bego yang kocak dan gak pernah perhitungan . tulus dan gaul ahah .
si icha lenjeeeee . biar tampangnya odong tapi hebring dan ribet . ahahha .
multitalented one :) bisa segalanya . dari push up sampe kayang - eh salah - bisa jadi temen sahabat jadi kodok jadi kuda . ahahaa . pokoknya bisa jadi semuanya deeeeh
yes they are my :
them 4 can :
when i ,
then they ,
and i will
for it they are not changed :)
xoxo psychosyendy :)
10 months ago